One Torah for All


One Torah shall be to him that is home-born, and unto the stranger that sojourneth among you.

Exodus 12:49



Shalom Zerubbabel,

Our Torah study group has just spent an evening discussing Son of Elohim Part 7: As Prophesied in the Torah Moshe B’reshit.  Actually we only got through the first three sections, we had so much to sayand we will continue it next week.  But we had several thoughts/questions we wanted to share with you.

Question: We have been going around and around about the purpose for Yeshua to come and die.  We were excited to read your comments about this in Part 6, the Kinsman Redeemer, but have some additional questions.  Many say that Yeshua was the final sacrifice; the sin offering once for all.  We know first that there are many sacrifices that are not intended to be sin offerings, and that sacrifices will resume when the temple once again stands in Jerusalem.But trying to fit Yeshua into the role of a sacrifice raises the issues of how He would not have been an acceptable offering—a few of which are:  His death was not painless; He did not die at the hands of the priest; and YHWH has decreed human sacrifice to be an abomination.  After all, He did not allow Abraham to sacrifice Isaac.  Would this latter point be not applicable because YHWH abhorred the idolatrous ceremonies that typically surrounded human sacrifice, not necessarily the sacrifice itself?

We simply find your teachings to be so thought-provoking, and yes, sometimes “brain-busting” that we have a hard time ending our discussions.  Thank you sincerely for your time and attention to our search for truth. 

Blessings to you,


Shalom B_____

Concerning Yeshua being the final sacrifice--final-no; ultimate-yes!  Yeshua being the once for all sacrifice, does not necessarily negate any other sacrifices coming afterwards.  And yes according to the prophet Yechezqel (Ezekiel) in the new temple there will be sacrifices. 

Human sacrifice is not acceptable to YHWH on eretz (earth)!  The following is from my study on “The Priesthood of Believers”: The explanation that the writer to the book of Hebrews has taken the reader through is quite involved and the writer is now concerned that his readers may miss the point he is making.  So, he boils his main point down into one paragraph for the benefit of the reader, us.

Please note that Yeshua’s priestly duties are not upon earth or in the earthly tabernacle (see Hebrews 8:4).  Rather, Yeshua takes His offering into the heavenly tabernacle that was made without hands of which pattern the earthly tabernacle was made.

On a side note, any talk about the earthly ark of the covenant having the Blood of Messiah applied to it in any way, exhibits a complete lack of understanding of these chapters, and verse four above in particular.  Our salvation was not made sure in the earthly tabernacle (which is only a copy of the real thing), but our salvation was made sure in the true tabernacle in heaven.  Brethren, do not be deceived! Yeshua’s priesthood is not of this world, thus, the rules for His priesthood are not the same.  Only when we understand this basic truth, does His work begin to come into proper focus.

The following is from the study: “The Blood of Mashiach
We would like to deal with one final aspect of the Blood of Mashiach; this concerns where it was placed by Mashiach Yeshua Himself to purchase our redemption.

There are many ordinances concerning the bringing of sacrifices and offerings to YHWH and what must be done with the blood of those animals in relation to the sprinkling of the altar.  All that blood cannot take away the sin, but only make one aware of it.

Ivrim (Hebrews) 10:4
For it is impossible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away sins.

Not only did YHWH give commandment concerning the bringing of animals, but He also gave the tribe of Levi and the family of Aharon to minister these matters before Him in His sanctuary, a mere copy of the true mishkan in the heavenlies.

Ivrim (Hebrews) 7:14
For it is evident that Adonenu has sprung out of Yehudah; as to which tribe Moshe spoke nothing concerning priests.

It is important for us to understand that according to Torah Yeshua the Mashiach has no right to minister in the copy of the mishkan.  In fact, it would be sin for Him to do so.  Since He is without sin, then we know that He did not and will not ever do this.

Ivrim (Hebrews) 8:4
Now if He [Yeshua] were on earth, He would not be a priest at all, seeing there are those who offer the gifts according to the Torah.

On this earth Yeshua our Mashiach is not a priest.  His priestly duties are carried out in the heavenly mishkan where He entered once for all.  His ministration of His priestly duties is not in the earthly mishkan.

But let us also understand that in the earthly mishkan it is against Torah to bring the blood of a human near to the altar or sanctuary.  To do so would be to defile the sanctuary and the altar and profane the name of YHWH.

Tehillim 106:37-38
37           Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons,
38           And shed innocent blood,
Even the blood of their sons and of their daughters,
Whom they sacrificed to the idols of Cana’an;
And the land was polluted with blood.

Now if the human blood pollutes YHWH’s land, then surely human blood would pollute the sanctuary and the altar that is made in the likeness of the heavenly mishkan and altar.  Now this is important to understand because there is a teaching going around today which teaches us that the precious Blood of Mashiach Yeshua trickled down through the ground into a hidden chamber under the temple mount and dripped upon the Ark of the Covenant hidden in that secret chamber.  This is pure nonsense!  This even goes against what Scripture plainly teaches us.  First, human blood on the altar would defile it.  Second, the ministrations of Mashiach are not on earth, for on earth He is not a priest.  His priestly ministrations are in the heavenly mishkan.

Ivrim (Hebrews) 6:20 
Where as a forerunner Yeshua entered for us, having become a high priest for ever after the manner of Melchizedek.

Yeshua entered into the true mishkan in heaven, the one not built with human hands and applied His Blood to that altar.  He did not enter into the earthly mishkan, a mere copy of the heavenly mishkan, for He is not even able to do so, being of the tribe of Yehudah and not of Levi.

Whereas human blood defiles the earthly altar, the Blood of Mashiach can only be applied to the heavenly altar.  The blood of bulls and goats cannot take away sin and will never be applied to the heavenly altar.  Only the Blood of Mashiach will ever be applied to the true altar in heaven.

Ivrim (Hebrews) 10:28-29
28 A man that has set aside the Torah Moshe dies without compassion on the word of two or three witnesses;
29 of how much sorer punishment, do you think shall he be judged worthy, who has trodden underfoot the Son of Elohim, and has counted the Blood of the covenant wherewith he was sanctified an unholy thing, and has insulted the Spirit of grace?

Let us be sure to give the Blood of Mashiach the proper respect that it deserves and be careful that we do not insult the Spirit of grace which ministers His precious Blood to each one of us.  Remember, your brothers and sisters in Mashiach also have been cleansed by this precious Blood of Mashiach.
Hope you find this information helpful.

Love and blessings

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